Your existing web site may lack the capability to handle foreign languages, cultures, currencies and business practices. You will most likely need a different marketing approach and pricing structure. You may need special conditions for orders from different countries. Your web site will at least need to be adapted, but you may find you do better by having different web sites for different countries. |
It's not just your foreign end-customers you need to communicate with and help. One of the functions of your website is to support your foreign agents and distribution partners. You may be using completely different channel structures abroad compared with the ones you use in your domestic market.
There is also the matter of "back end" business capabilities that your web site could provide. You may have worked satisfactorily without these capabilities in your domestic market, but they may provide a vital way of handling very different requirements in foreign markets.
• Foreign language version(s) of web site
• Web site structure: one, or multiple?
• Use local country domain?
• Special country or regional content
• Cultural implication of words used (even in other English-speaking countries)
• Use of foreign character sets or accent marks
• Both kilograms and pounds, kilometres and miles, etc
• International mailing address formats and post codes
• Your hours of operations in terms of their time zone(s)
• Payment in foreign currencies
• Non-credit card payments
• Sales taxes and duties
• Will you be subject to foreign sales and income tax laws?
• Foreign privacy & advertising laws
• Listing on foreign country or language search engines
• Multi-lingual help desk
is experienced in helping companies develop effective web marketing strategies for their international business. With our partners and their networks of consultants plus servers around the world, in North America, Australia, India and Europe, we are able to help you get the web site you need to meet the cultural, language and business needs of the markets you enter.
For practical help in the global market please:
call +1 416 500
or call toll-free (in North America): 1.855.222.6299 (MAWW)
CLICK HERE to reach us by email |