A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) includes the manufacturer's information (name, address, etc.); explanation of the requirements the product complies with; required European standards met, detailed test performance results; the identification number of the Notified Body if required; and a legally binding signature on behalf of the manufacturer.
It is important to understand that a claim for product compliance that is not based on a true conformity assessment constitutes a violation of EU law.
The majority (95%) of products can be self-certified by the manufacturer. However, certain types of products, manufacturing processes, or quality assurance methods, must be certified by a Notified Body (NB). A notified body is so called because a European country has notified the European Commission that it has given it the authority to do the testing, inspection, or quality assurance required for certain types of product. Notified bodies act as test labs and quality assurance evaluators to carry out the steps listed in the directive(s).
Very few Notified Bodies exist outside Europe, but a manufacturer can choose to work with any appropriate notified body in any member state of the EU.
MAWW International and its European partners have relationships with Notified Bodies for categories where third party verification or quality assurance is required by directive. We can help you determine whether or not Notified Body involvement is necessary and we can help obtain certification quickly and efficiently.
MAWW International can help you achieve CE Marking efficiently and affordably.
Through our associated specialists in Europe we can provide testing and product evaluations, and access to Notified Bodies for appropriate product types.
To learn more about CE Marking, please call Tony Baker at 416-500-7287 or toll-free at 1-855-222-6299 (MAWW)
To ask us a question by email, please CLICK HERE.
• For explanation of more CE marking topics, please click below: