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The list below shows product types that are required to be CE marked.

Please note that not all products require CE marking. There are some exceptions even within the groups.

If it is not clear from the list whether your product should be marked, please ask us.

Active implantable medical devices
Appliances burning gaseous fuels
Cableway installations designed to carry persons
Eco-design of energy related products
Electromagnetic compatibility
Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
Explosives for civil uses
Hot-water boilers
In vitro diagnostic medical devices
Low voltage equipment
Measuring Instruments
Medical devices
Noise emission in the environment
Non-automatic weighing instruments
Personal protective equipment
Pressure equipment
Radio and telecommunications terminal equipment
Recreational craft
Simple pressure vessels
Transportable Pressure Eqpt.

To read about the stages involved in obtaining CE Marking, please CLICK HERE.

To get the complete low-down on CE Marking, please call Tony Baker at 416-500-7287.
Toll-free: 1-855-222-6299 (MAWW)

To reach us by email, please CLICK HERE.



CE marking is required in all the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), comprising the 28 member states of the EU, plus three EFTA countries. Certain other countries have adopted CE Marking to meet their own safety and environmental needs. These countries include Turkey, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro.

The following is a list of countries where CE marking is required:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom.

Agreements on Mutual Recognition of Conformity Assessment exist between the EU and certain external countries including Canada, USA, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. However, these are very often limited in effect.


MAWW can determine the route to compliance that is most appropriate to your needs and help you through the CE Marking Process easily and cost effectively.

We can let you know whether self-assessment is possible for your product, whether lab testing will be required, whether a Notified Body must be involved, and what the certification process will cost.

For written answers regarding your particular product, please click here.

For a FREE TELEPHONE CONSULTATION on this complex topic, please call Tony Baker
at 416.500.7287
or toll-free at 1-855-222-6299 (MAWW)